After Garage sale....missing the lefties(99cm)New 9th wards(145cm)and the AWESOME Leconte's (176 cm) Local Mt.s got frosted the heater is on at home...It won't be long!!
161 days on the slopes...3,000 plus lift rides...over 3 million vertical feet!!What a ski season!!!! 126 Days @ Solitude 26 days @Mammoth Mt 4 days @ Snownerd 1 day@Brighton 1 day each @Alpine Meadows,Squaw(Nitemare)Valley,Northstar-at-Tahoe,Diamond Peak Total days on the slopes=161 Opening day @ the tude was Oct 31,2009 (Vert. Access not on) Last day July 5th 2010 @Mammoth Mt 10 Month Season.....Best Ski Season EVER!!