Saturday, September 4, 2010
SkiUtah Ultimate powderhound "Favorite's"
Burke Weir - Holladay, UT.
I would love to join the Ski Utah Blog Team and share my LOVE for Skiing! Being the Ultimate Powderhound would be a dream come true! Utah Powder is legendary, Making it easy to promote! Local resorts have so much to offer, Powder stashes, Secret spots, Resort history, And events to name a few.
Being born and raised in Holladay where I still reside, It's easy to access all 13 resorts from this location.(I've had the opportunity to ski 10!) I look forward to Trying out Beaver Mt, Nordic Valley,(Wolf Creek,UT) And Timp Haven (Sundance).
Last season was Epic..New Skis,New Friends,161 days on the slopes plus OVER 3 MILLION VERTICAL FEET!! I learned some valuable lessons. I continue to grow and learn as a person and a SKIER. Join me on my Journey!