Saturday, December 31, 2011
Day 31 Alex
Alex wore his Onepiece(Baby Blue Bogner!)
Friday, December 30, 2011
Day 30 Julia Day
Overcast Warm day with Flurries in the Morning...Ron and I are on the late bus 08:10 even though we could have got on earlier,That was nice to get to do our warm ups before hitting the slopes(Chevron girl)"What do you do up there?"Amber(Lifty)"What are you guys doing?"We make BLISS!!She liked the Bonsai...Julia and Step hon,Liftys that want and LOVE to ski with Ron and I!P-Dag(Last Chute was Crazy)Little Cloud(WIND AND COLD!!)Gad 2,Gadzoom and ended on Wilbere at 16:20...FOR TWENTY!!Anothe best day so far
Thursday, December 29, 2011
Day 29 12-28-2011
GIFTS!!Thx Boss and Ben(Green Beer!)Busy Weds but not bad,Ron pointed out that not alot of locals ride this time of year...stacked Salads and the most beer so far this season
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
Day 28 Posse Invades the Nerd
Spent the night at Andys...COLD!Caught a funny 990 Bus that was running way late...We P/U Ron and Son at the Swamp Lot(They where surprised by how late/early this was running Too)Ron ride the Machettes,YEA!"You wear different outfits everyday?"Yup, Thx Host for noticing!!Scott S and Brian(Big Tall Ox)Come up, We ride to both Spots(Stacked Salads,Thx Scott) and Had a Nice Lunch/Beer on the deck...More Bumps and Jumps on GZoom,We meet Ron and Ben, Time for Little Proud!!It was SweeT!!Both Scott and Ron lost things off Gzoom and Found Em...Lucky day
Day 27 Christmas @The Nerd
Bike to Andys,Catch the 960 to 6200 where I get lucky and catch the 951 direct!Off at the cliff(Met an Alta lifty named Britt,She looks like Lindsey Vonn,Good call Ron)Walking past the Chickadee Lift,Get Hi and Merry X-mas from Liftys,Ski School and a "Can I get a Pic with you?"and Heres a "40th Anniversary Pin"THX SLOW PATROL!Say Hi to Jay and Get a Hug from Santa at Powdershots...I forget both ladies names...On to the Wilbere spot and a day on Gzoom,Followed up with an Hour on Little Proud
Sunday, December 25, 2011
Day 26TH Jenn Day
Tour with a Ranger...Ski with a Stranger!!!!Yup,I'll Ski with her next Adventures of Saturday!2nd Morning I've had to make a Dash for the Bus,Just in Time!Seen Brett first thing, Boarder he is with tells me I'm on his C-phone wallpaper,He took a Pic of me yesterday@the Party...Had Daves Potatoes for Breakfast(YummIee)Met Jenn(Telemarketeeer) then Skied the bumps with her, We ran into Steve(Mammoth)and Bard(Mono-Ranger)and Had a Jr Posse....Later When Jenn took off She left time for me to get inof...I'll see you next Sat for sure(I knew you where behind me cause I can hear people yelling from the lift, Several times!!)Seen Julie waiting for the 990(Your a Star here)Yes!Random kid Give a Hi Five and says"Stay Awesome!":) Ended with Julie taking James K into the Center to do the Torch light parade...
Saturday, December 24, 2011
Day 25 Fortieth Anniversary
WOW,Maybe 40 Different people on the deck wanted my picture...Got to ski the new Rossi boots!!!Shared with Cain and Alex plus went over the bridge with Elan...Wilma in her RED ONEPIECE!!!YES!!!!
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Day 24 Peace Sign

While waiting for Ron I made a new peace Sign...Some kids added to it to make "I Love" or something but at least they didn't ruin it....Fun hearing Ron say"I knew that was you,Sending the White Smoke Down onto the Bump line"...We now booth do the "Skiers, Skiers are Skiing"...."Wow, Look there Skiers, Skiing" Freakin Funnnnniieee,Even Patrol got a laugh!He He,Ha Ha,Ho Ho...Very Good Bumps down skiers left, Big Emma!Also creamy,dreamy staying left,Under Mid-Gad to the PERFECT CORD!(Look someone dropped something off the Lift...Ron, "Should I get it and Take it down?"Sure, If you like old Panties from the Necklace Tree...BIG LAUGH!!We seen SZ Too over there, Yup He ski Everyday!!!DOUG FROM SOLI WAS WORKING THE LIFTSSS,HELL YESSSSSSS...Looking forward to Friday(Today, Marc is Picking me up at home,THX MARC)hopefully we see Scott later...
Monday, December 19, 2011
Day 23 Benny and his Dad
Random Snow boarder"You skied Solitude,I grew up there watching you,Now your here too?!"Yup!Seen Travis C passing by the bus stop,Say Hi to Jay @Powder shots"Seen your kicker yesterday, I knew that was you."Ron and his son come into the locker room at the same time I'm getting ready,He gets to ride the Ninthwards,Ben is very good for the 1st time out this season,We find and ride the Jumps and Bumps off Gad,One Tram ride too many...BUSY!I skipped P-dog, they hit it once but come back to gad in a HURRY!Fun showing Ben the spots and the FUN BALLS!We filled in the hole again,caught the bus 990 First?Nope...992 Cold but clear with a DEEP Inversion that came up to Gadzoom Base...
Sunday, December 18, 2011
Day 22 Sunday/Funday
I knew today was going to GooD when random Snowboard Instructor Gives you the High Five before you even get into the Plaza!!Seen Travis B,His wife Staceee and Posse(Lets hit penguin point)That was nice plus random rider comes by and joins us... Austin and his Party Posse is looking for me on P-Dog,THX DAD,We take one Tram then its down to Gadzoom for bumps and jumps,Fun rding with the Mon Possse and One token Skier who Very good by skis like a boarder(Sloppy)Cold clear day again....
Friday, December 16, 2011
Day 21 Walt and Eric
220 running early got me on the 08:10 with Ronnieee already there!That was nice,We meet Bob,"The Wizard of the Wasatach"..We make sure NOT to catch the first Tram,But head down to Welbere, then on to the ZOOM!!AWESOME day on the Cold, White Smoke Bumps and Really good groomers!We run into and ski with Brett(Snow maker)He lets us know that The Nerd Bought more Water rights and will be opening Gad 2 Later or Friday for sure(Lets hit pigeon point)Love when its my turn!!Fisrt we run into Walt(He have Good Beer)Then Eric,Come down to Walts for chips,dip and a little 420...They booth leave soon after(Tram laps wear me out TOO)We end on Welbere and Catch the 992 down to Sandy(Traci caught 990,She still ends up on the 220) wish I was up today but time to work and prepare for Sat(Family X-Mas Party)
Day 20 FIVE Ladies
Yup,5!Catch the last Bus At 8:55,Meet Pete(Ski Shop)and Hannah,From Maine(Ski Instructor)She has only been here 1 week...First Question,What are the length of your skis? "123" We seen you guys coming down that chute Yesterday, IMPRESSIVE!?Thx,We chat the whole way up!At the locker find Ron saying"I'm bored and was going to leave, glad your here, now lets go ski!"RED TRAM!Christy is driving(2)Meet Jane from last day last year(Jane and Racheal)(3)She says"You guys,You Guys from last day...You guys...,"Meet Deborah(San Diego)Mono,Onepiece!!(4)We had a blast skiing the frozen white smoke bumps with Fun Balls!!Another "NICE OUTFIT!"!!Ride down with Traci(SkiSchool)That's #5
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Day 19 @theNerd
Deb took me all the way to 7000,THX DEB,Catch the last Bus up(08:55)SloW BuS...Go to the Welbere spot then down to GadZoom...Rode the Bumps and Groomers and Even a Welbere before heading in to find Ron at the Lockers...Start the BLISS(RED TRAMMMMM!!!)After the speech at the top Ron and I both yell RED TRAM AND MOM!!!TOO FUNNNY!!We also met 2 different ladies on the Tram,Paula and Maude,Ron wanted to ride the Chips side(OK)It was actually good,We did get a little cliff out(You hit it like a JUMP!)At the bottom 2 girls where watching us!Next Tram we come down the rope line(Grannies)To the top of Gadzoom where Ronnie takes a Hard Fall...(Opps, I forgot I was skiing?)He is Ok.Nice Outfit from a Lovey Lady!Next Its FUN BALLS on the Bumps!!!We even got into filling the Holes with Xtra large and Icey Fun Balls!!End the day @4:20 on Welbere!Nice Day,Cold but Very Fun!!Even a fun Bus ride down"990 to the swamp lot"The 220 comes within 1 min. for Ron, Me 10 or so,AWESOME having regular buses back. Ended the day with Phil and Amber coming by(THX BROTHER!!)We had a talk with Dad about the Scooters.....ROAD BLOCK......Hey, At least we got the ball rolling on getting them out of the garage!!!!
Day 18 Sunday/Funday
Adventures Of Sunday/Funday..."your still Here?"Yup,Welbere turns until 4:20!"Lots of Folks commented on your Rock Pile"Thx Kayla/Andrea!"I'm skiing here TOO!" Its Zac from the Soli Ski Shop,He fixed the Ninthwards!!!Seen Jimmmieeee and Hoppy with a Party Posse...Got the Goods TWICE!!2nd time the Posse says"Yea, We seen Jimmieee with 2 reds coats in hot pursuit!"Jimmmmmmiieeeee,WHY?Hope all is well? TONS_O_RACERS all day,On the plaza one of the coaches says to me"Your not on Gadzoom?"Not Yet!Christy running the RED TRAM,We get to hang for a 2nd at the Top,She Awesome!First time this year there where parking lot attendants,Ski Hosts(Lime green with safety vests)and tons of blue everywhere...
Ended up jumping on the 992,Oh dang and Oh well, Transfer to the 220 after 13 mins luckily,Rode with Ski Scholl lady down to Spring lane....LOVE THE NERD!!

Sunday, December 11, 2011
Day 17 Adventures of SAT
Got to thank Jay(Powdershots)The Lunar Eclipse with the smog yesterday Morning was STUNNING!!Bus was packed,Today normal ski bus starts YEA!!Peruvian side was ICEEEEEE!!,Big Emma was until the Sun came out then watch out...Soft,Creamy/Dreamy!!!Thx Paul & Chris for the new Spot...Also got to ride behind Carlos(I didn't know he is a lifty Super)Rode the last Welbere with Fitz(could have got a ride down but he goes to the bar first)Na, I'll catch the 990 down,On the way home from Andys my tire went flat, how Ironic cause now the ski bus runs Normal routesssssss!!!!!YES!!!!!
Friday, December 9, 2011
Inversions come for the first time
Finally a SUNNY WEEKEND! Ron and I Love IT!Why?Because its Warm up in the Mts and Cold in the Valley...Even today we work up Immigration Canyon.Sat,Sun=Sun& Fun@The Nerd!!!
Thursday, December 8, 2011
Day 15 and 16 NERD
Two drink Tuesday was good but FOG WEDS @the Nerd was even better!!Tues I'm walking out the driveway,There's my Neighbor Debra,She takes me all the way to the Bus stop, Catch the bus right away,Walk to the mouth of BCC,Catch a ride with Kate(She works at the Clinic)She takes me all the way to the Plaza Drop Off!!Get on the Snow Before 10:00...Nice day with Ron(we take different ways but end up on Welbere,) Welbere runs until 16:30...Hitch down,Off at Smiths,Walk Past Bumping Brads Grave and threw the Neighborhoods to the stop at 7000 and 3000 East just in time to MISS the 72?!...Gosh Darn IT! Oh well walk home No Problem...Weds we catch the 990 and are the First ones in the Locker Room again...He He!Snow was soooooo Gooooood!!We even run into and ride with Jimmmeeee,We seen Doobie and My Jr pet powder goat for the first time this year! Lower Groomers and the waves were the best this year!!!Got another Pic-O-the day....THX JAY!!!Gotta go give him some thing....Great day!!!!!!!!!!!
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
Sunny Day 14
Monday/Funday With Ronniee,We Catch the bus at 2000 East and arrive @07:40(First ones in the Locker Room)First ones on Gadzoom(It was SOOOOO COOOOOLD)Once the sun came out not too bad...We Meet up with Ed(Actually from Boston)and Ride the rest of the day together(Awesome!)we also meet Turning Pete's friends from Boston too(George and Pete)They say Pete says hi and will be here April 1st(Another Awesome,Why? Cause Pete told em look for the guy that Turns the Little Skies!!!!!)Come on Pete, Try em?! Got another pic-o-the-Day!!THX JAY!I love it when the Photographer says Roll 100 BURKE!!!!!We rode until 16:20 on Wilbere and caught the 990 down,At 2000 east Ron and I catch a bus within 1 minute...Life is GOOD!!
Monday, December 5, 2011
Lucky Day 13 "Nerd"
Snow fell all day!!Wilbere was open for the first time this season!Rode with Ed from New York alot, He Liked riding with the Wedell Master...Seen Jay @ powder shots(We may have a Pic-O-The Day)Hitched down to Andys then came straight home,Yesterday was Not so fun day...
Thursday, December 1, 2011
Day 12 @The Nerd
First off Work was such a pleasure Tuesday, we worked in Park City and Heber,Stopped by Tys on the way home and got a ride/ride up to home depot to end the day...
Woke up not in a hurry to catch the bus?Today I'm walking to the Nerd...I DID IT!!220 to baly catching the 09:00 72 to the top of the hill where I start walking(DOUG pulls over and takes me to the mouth!!!)That was cool!!We are each hitching,I got to stop and look at the Mt Goats first, then catch a ride w/ 2 guys from Boston!Thx Catch the 10:00 am Tram, down to the top of the Zoom where I look for and find Ronnieeeee(The Lifties where helping us find each other,I LOVE EM!) We ride until 15:00 or so...(Not that good)Time to hitch down Ron takes the Bus to the lower lot, I hitch and catch a ride with a lady even before hitting the end of the lot! Get dropped off at the swamp lot, walk home past Brads Grave.......Get home after almost 2 hours to CRASH!!!
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Lucky day 11@The Nerd
Woke up at Andys,Rode home but didn't make it back up on time for the Bus ;( Soooo I ride up and Stash the bike, take the 72 to the top, walk to the mouth where I catch a ride after about 5 mins(Thx Cezh Man)Ronniee already riding the 9th Wards(Hey)I catch up to him on the First tram ride...We ride down and catch Jimmieeeee at the bottom of Gadzoom!!He has new Skis but no pass(We figured it out) later we decide to go up and ski for Free after 3:00 at the other resort.Seen Shellie on the Magic Carpet(Burke,and her student,Burke!!)That was cool(Not allowed on the magic carpet,Really, we already ride the carpet)I wonder what rach is doing? She Mono...We even took a lap on the rope tow,Funny seeing Jimmiee catch air!!We ride the Triple until Jim notice that Sugarloaf is open w/no entry gates...We Got on last run!!! Ride the Germania side and even get a shout out from ALTA!!Good thing we didn't wait for him cause we also are the last chair to close the triple!!!Fun Fun Fun Day!!!!
10th day Nerd
Sunday/Funday @the Nerd... First Hour riding with Brett(Snowmaker/Monoboarder)Ran into and ride the Tram with Steve(He is from mammoth!!!)Thx for the Shot!Then pass over and ride with Cain and Alex(He works at Backcountry .com) We end the day Hittin BUMPS AND JUMPS!!Dang these kids are GOOD!!Can't wait for next Sunday/Funday!!
9th day Nerd
Adventures of Saturday....Walked from the Mouth to Andys via ronnies (Willow Creek)
Saturday, November 26, 2011
8th Day on the Lifts
6th day @The Nerd"Black Onepiece Friday"Started W/ a late bus,Seen the 960 roll by with out anyone on?Bus driver laughs at the purple one piece? I take up the orange Snowmobile suit for Ron and Tell him he will be the Star today,It happenend!!
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
7th day
Five days straight at the Nerd!(2 at the Tude)Lots of Stuff going on...Soli Ski Patrol tour down the Spot?!What? Really??Got messages from Cynthia and TB that they did it!!WTF?More on this later...Opening Day at the NERD,Sooooooo Muuuuuch Fuuuun!!Ron and I got interviewed by PCTV,I've already been told I'm the Star of the U-tube film...See it here (Snowbird Opening day 2011)Got a shout out from Cat(Ski Utah) Stayed 2 nites at the Cliff (THX PHIL) (Snowbird Opening day 2011)Got a shout out from Cat(Ski Utah) Stayed 2 nites at the Cliff (THX PHIL)
Thursday, November 17, 2011
11-17-11 Fog Weds w/Ron
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
@11:11 Am and 11 Seconds Andy,The Fogs and I all "Put our Hands in the Air"!!It was great seeing everyone @The Tude!It even got better cause I meet Powderhound Cat!@111111 Wow...
Thursday, November 3, 2011
Friday, October 28, 2011
Monday, October 17, 2011
Wrap up PCMR Solar and Wind
Not sure if I'll get back up to see everything turned on...Here are some Highlights,
Old School plane Flying low near our work area does a little tip drop followed by a BARREL ROLL!WOW! Lady bug Highway on the ridge that we are working on...Weds 10-05 before the storm,Boss and I up on the JLG installing wiring,More tiedowns and holding on for dear life...(We did it)The wind was Howling!!(4 days of Tiedowns)At first we used rope,Next day tie downs, next day Cable's and finally the Big Tie Downs!Still not moving but she wants to GO!!Just driving up and down Parleys and threw Town...Epic!So glad I don't live or Work in Colorado?Lastly moving the JLG off the Mt in the Rain...2 hours later my boss did IT,YOU ROCK MS!!Hope we have our Company Party here and spend time at the Array and Kiosk,Its our Legacy...
Old School plane Flying low near our work area does a little tip drop followed by a BARREL ROLL!WOW! Lady bug Highway on the ridge that we are working on...Weds 10-05 before the storm,Boss and I up on the JLG installing wiring,More tiedowns and holding on for dear life...(We did it)The wind was Howling!!(4 days of Tiedowns)At first we used rope,Next day tie downs, next day Cable's and finally the Big Tie Downs!Still not moving but she wants to GO!!Just driving up and down Parleys and threw Town...Epic!So glad I don't live or Work in Colorado?Lastly moving the JLG off the Mt in the Rain...2 hours later my boss did IT,YOU ROCK MS!!Hope we have our Company Party here and spend time at the Array and Kiosk,Its our Legacy...
Monday, October 10, 2011
Last day of Octoberfest/Skied Welbere
Ron and I did IT! The day started a little slow....Jimmie was to pick me up around 09:30?At 10:20 I'm on the bike and off to Ronnie's, Got to Ron's about 11:00.(He had extra gear to take up, but cause we had no ride he had to leave behind product.)But most importantly,He took his Ski boots up to the locker!We ride up to Walt's where we lock our bikes up,Hang with the man for a bit, Then walk to Wasatch Blvd to Hitch a ride up...Thx Accord station wagon for the ride to the mouth(Two Ski Bums Hitching where we were took a while)But at the mouth we get a ride from 2 Hot Ladies(Ski host Angela and Shotgun Jessica!)In less then a minute, We are on our way...YES!!Tons of Ladies and Smiles All over the Plaza and Grounds!We gear up and start our hike to the top of Welbere,(Outside of the Adventure center I leave my 123's and ride the miss matched Blades.)One of the Employee kids was saying"You can't ski,You know what Happens with only 5 inches?"Yup, BLISS!!Not bad at ALL!Best little run was right at the Climbing wall,Cristy was there to see the quick turns,She liked and wanted to scan my pass to hear and see the RED light,(Green light=Smile)Red light,I hate and she knows it!Back on the Plaza, There is the Ladies that gave us a ride up,Plus lots of other Ladies all looking at Ron and I...After a minute of Idle Ski chat, I look at and say loudly"There's my best skis,I LOVE YOU!"I grab and Hold tight the 123'S,Then were off to the Locker room,Got ready for the hitch down,First car gets us!!Thank you Soul Bros!Back to Walt's, We get our bikes and head to Andy's,(Walt and Ron went down Creek Rd,Drop off bike and ride together down to Andy's)They beat me here,(Andy see 2 large guys headed to the garage,He comes out and Ron asked"Is Burke Here?"Andy"NO"Ron "He will be"And there I was...We all chilled watching the late game and discussed Camping(Walt and Ron are going today,)Thanks for stove Andy...
Sunday, October 9, 2011
Entry Five...
I Hate to say it but...Today we hike and Ski Entry 5(Watch out for all the HATAS)Yesterday turned out to be a GREAT day!,Jimmieee came by not knowing that Ronnieee was on his way along with Walt too!!We all went to the 2nd Tracks Ski swap,Not bad,Seen Marianna too...We also went downtown to the Protests at Pioneer park(Ron liked the fact that they are camping out with ok from slc)Came back home, hung out,Moved the Junk Trailer,Bathtub and alot of the Fenches too!Jimmiee took off,Walt, Ron and I went out to dinner(Black Bear)Nice...Excellent Day!!
Friday, October 7, 2011
Thursday, October 6, 2011
10-05-11 Park City Wind Turbine
Marc and I went up to remove the JLG,Move the Co Trailer to the Mid Mt Maintenance Area and do a little Electrical work.The wind was Really moving(Out in front of a BIG STORM Coming!)We had to get up on the lift to Install the Electical Harness,Add 2 more tie downs(With no power, the Blades would just FREE FLY!)That's what she wants to do,SPIN!I've never been so scared in my life!!Wind howling soo bad it was hard to stand, Much less work...The blades where making noises,Moaning, wanting to snap all our tie downs and send us to Heaven...WOW,We did IT!!(My Boss knew I was terrified and was willing to do the job alone,) No!Let's get this DONE!Next step was to move the Trailer,Then the JLG(In the rain,My Boss did It)It took about 2 Hours to drive the Lift all the way to the Base area,We even had to drive on surface roads threw town...All of this before 14:00...What a work Day!!
Monday, October 3, 2011
Friday, September 30, 2011
Friday, September 23, 2011
Sunday, September 18, 2011
Sunday, September 11, 2011
Monday, September 5, 2011
Monday, August 29, 2011
Thursday, August 25, 2011
8-21-11 October Fest @The Nerd
Friday Night Went to the Bees(vs Iowa Cubs)game with the Boys,Woke up @Scotty's Sat.This started the weekend adventure!Rode my bike 9.0 miles home,Got overnight gear,Rode to the mouth of LCC,(8.6 miles)Hitched Up with all my gear(No stashing bike)Big, Sprinter van pulls over and the driver yells"Hurry up Burke!"YEA Its Greg,Mr Adjust a grill and Rag singer!!!He is in a hurry cause his band is playing @ the tram bar,He also gives warning about how October Fest works(No outside Beer on the Deck)And other silly rules(Not a lot of Locals up)I hit my locker and head to White Pine trail head(Yup,I already have and have been using my season locker!!)Hide bike and head up the trail into the Sunset...Arrive at Twilight,Snack,Beer and Bedtime!(Thx for the Tarp)Morning comes late,Ronniee has Coffee and food(YES!)We head out to Snowbird via a single track trail from the trail head to Gadzoom Lift,Its sooooo busy they are running the Shuttle Bus(RED One)We ride to the Center, hit my locker,Get the Ski gear(Ron ride's my 123's)Blue Tram up"Isn't Solitude going to miss you this season?"Asked the Operator,"Yea,I guess?"(I'm already missing Sunday's @Soli!!)We hike over too and Ski Mark Malu,Then we round the bend and Hike up Pipeline Bowl...Tons-o-Snow here!!!This is where we ski on Sept.1st!!!We hiked back up to the tram and catch the 2nd to the last one down(neither of us had a watch,We got a little nervous cause we didn't want to miss last tram down.)We hiked back down the single track trail to white pine and split from hear(It was dark by the time I'm riding Down Canyon)Lastly, I whistle and hear Ron yell threw the Forest!!Great Day with the MAN!!
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
08-14-11 Tour-Of-Utah @The Nerd
Left the house around 10:30,Got to the Nerd Before 12:30(Thx Ranger truck driver!)Cool seeing all the early people along LCC to see the bike riders(ETA 16:00 or so)Rode up from White Pine,Right passed Security into lot 1(No parking @Gate 2)Got to the Plaza, Seen Dani(Did you ride up?...Yup)Rode my Skatebike back down to the finish line(Picked a great spot in the trees behind the finish line)I could here the PA telling whats up with the race,It was Cool!Did a little riding around on the Skatebike(Funny to see reactions from all the skinny tire Riders!!)Ran into Dana and Janice,Twice(They know about season pass @The Nerd),Janice works @the Nerd 1 Day!After the race there's JIMMIEEEE!!Burke, lets go Ski Alta?What, No(Alta SUCKS!!) Come up to the plaza and lets find a way to get you on the Tram...Seen Doug(Thank god for the Quad Lifty)And Jay from Powder Shots(SnoNerds on Mt Photo Guy)They both Try for Passes,No Jimmie got to go(In the mean time we are @the Photo Store front lookin at last seasons Pic.s,Jay's #3 Fav Pic is me and Alton on Little Proud Lift last day,THX JAY!!!)Back on the plaza I meet Jody(She has some gloves that she thinks I lost and wants me to come over to her car and claim,I got scared and headed up the Tram)Yup, I suck!(She would be a great candidate for my next X_Wife?)At the top I hike down to Chips run where there is about a 200 foot run near the top of the Quad,Primrose Path lowest point(Spent the next 2 hours skiing, hiking and Chillin!!)Rode the Tram down late, Locked up the Skatebike on the Plaza,Rode down the Canyon on my bike and Finished a Long day Hanging out at Andy's(Got home at Midnight)Just missed a major rain storm comin in Strong Last Sunday/Monday AM...
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Sunday, July 10, 2011
Friday, July 8, 2011
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Thx Pete!Report from Mammoth Mt
locals,bridgette,sheila,sally joanne,jessica,micah,vikki,lisa,elsa,vanessa, the baldy's, and the employee's were all asking about @SnoNerD
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
Day 34@The Nerd(7-04-2011)
160 Days on the SlopeS!Where to start?Facebook Update=Feel good moments from the 'Nerd"Seeing everyone on Top of the Tram","Starting the Wave in the Little Cloud Lift Line","Yelling at the Tram as it leaves the top...DOWNLOADERS!,Repeat w/10 friends loudly!","Hanging out at JZ'sGuntower,Banging the Iron Bars","Hearing Lifties repeat what I say everytime I load Mineral Basin Chair,Thank God for the Quad!","last run pass by Stu's & the Mother Tree,Ride Chips face with my best ski friends &2 Angels!"What a day...
More,Travis picked me up @06:30(THX)The Plaza was busy,First tram left @07:30,We got on the 2nd one,On top Alpine meadows(Rick,Ski Patrol)"Flashes the AM and "Where you been?"Giggle,We got 4 good runs in on MB with Duanes World before we meet Ron and head to Little proud....After a few more we check in on top,We meet the Posse,Walt, and all the Fogs...Bliss Posse in full Effect"Lets hit the JZ Gun Tower!"Yea yea!Meet Cr and Andy on our way there(TELE)Got pummeled by snowballs at the top of Reg J Express,Whistle got one lady out of her ski(We laugh hard!)last 2 runs I hold the American Flag up all the way down,Got Sexy on MB finally!Last run with the Party PossE was epic,(TELEMARKETEEER)Jr party on the plaza,Walt was messing w/J(Looked like a bag,Sooooooo funny!!!)Walt took me all the way home,THX!!!Got all my gear back home except poles hidden on hidden peak.
Funnest July 4th ever!!SnoNerd really did a great job,Loved meeting new friends and...
More,Travis picked me up @06:30(THX)The Plaza was busy,First tram left @07:30,We got on the 2nd one,On top Alpine meadows(Rick,Ski Patrol)"Flashes the AM and "Where you been?"Giggle,We got 4 good runs in on MB with Duanes World before we meet Ron and head to Little proud....After a few more we check in on top,We meet the Posse,Walt, and all the Fogs...Bliss Posse in full Effect"Lets hit the JZ Gun Tower!"Yea yea!Meet Cr and Andy on our way there(TELE)Got pummeled by snowballs at the top of Reg J Express,Whistle got one lady out of her ski(We laugh hard!)last 2 runs I hold the American Flag up all the way down,Got Sexy on MB finally!Last run with the Party PossE was epic,(TELEMARKETEEER)Jr party on the plaza,Walt was messing w/J(Looked like a bag,Sooooooo funny!!!)Walt took me all the way home,THX!!!Got all my gear back home except poles hidden on hidden peak.
Funnest July 4th ever!!SnoNerd really did a great job,Loved meeting new friends and...
Monday, July 4, 2011
Day 33@The Nerd
Today will be day 160!!Thx Travis for the Blue Ribbon ride up again yesterday!!Today?!?!
Quotes from Pete @Mammoth
"the owners of mammoth were disappointed not to see you this year----no shizzz,"
Quotes from Pete @Mammoth
"the owners of mammoth were disappointed not to see you this year----no shizzz,"
roy mc coy---that pic is classic I thought it was you at first
"where's the guy with the tights and short skis?'"
"dan tana was out lookin for a short skiin' bud buddy
all the baldy's too"
Sunday, July 3, 2011
Day 32 Nerd
THX TRAVIS for the ride and Launch and the Ski dance Party!!Took a dirty 30 for alpine and the rest of Patrol...Got Thx more than once...Toured MB to where you can look into Mary Ellen BEAUTIFUL!!While stopped at JZ trees we run into Andy and CR!Awesome!!Quotes"You ride better on the bigger skis"?Thx Alpine Meadows(Rick,Ski Patrol)He saved the 123s Twice!and with Travis's help we take up a dirty thirty for Patrol!!Fun flashing the AM back and forth with Rick hanging out the Patrol shacks window..."Safety man ,We feel better when your off the Mt"...Always last one down?Me and Ronniiieee
Friday, July 1, 2011
Day 31 SnoNerd!
It was a 420 and Onepiece FRIDAY!Thx Ski Patrol for saving my 123's TWICE!Seen Brad and Mark Wixom,Cool!MB got soft by 09:30...Reg Johnson Express was Awesome After 10:00!!Bumps where great!!Met a local Jeff who was like"Wow Turning Pete and I watched you Zip,Impressive!"
We(Ron)rode with B am and Hooked up with TRAVIS and the Karl for a fun run down to the bottom.Nice ride down the canyon soo Beautiful!!
We(Ron)rode with B am and Hooked up with TRAVIS and the Karl for a fun run down to the bottom.Nice ride down the canyon soo Beautiful!!
Monday, June 27, 2011
Day 30 So many Friends
What a day!!!At one point we had 10 or so riders in the party PossE!!"
Could You Ask For A Better Season?
Come have another.
While you are up skiing or riding our summer snow this weekend, purchase your 2011-12 season pass. The first 50 to pick up their pass will receive a limited edition "I skied the Bird on July 4th" T-shirt and will be entered into to win 2 inflatable Trams, 2 iPod Touch 32 GB, 2 All-Day Activities Passes and 2 free 2011-12 day ski tickets. The drawing will be held July 4 and the winner will be announced on Facebook . Don't worry, if you have already signed on to experience another great season, you were automatically entered to win. Click here for more information.
Saturday, June 25, 2011
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