Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Day 52
One Tram and Done,(Kristy on the Red Tram)Caught the last bus up and hitched down(All the way to 4th South)Thx Robert...Trax over to work, P/u check,Pass by Storage and P/u the Bandits to exchange for the 9th wards that are being ruined(Top sheet is toast)Come home to help Dad clear out the Drain...Still clogged???
Monday, January 30, 2012
51st day "Brads Day"
Brads 20th...Took Mom to Sacrament meeting...It was good for her,After I didn't know if I was going Up?Rode my Bike and ended up on the 220(Hourly)and took the 992,14:15.Got to the Nerd Before 15:00 and Before catching the Tram I ran into the Scotts,Jeff and Scotts friend from Chicago on the stairs!Yea, Also Eric came within 1 min.They all went to the Tram Club, I went up and skied over to Gadzoom(Where have you Been?)Then to the Welbere spot to p/u what I left there...Then last P-dag(BUMPS UNDER THE CHAIR!!)Oh yea,That was and is now my Fav run.Stop for a 420 at Stueis and Yup, Thx!(Skier was one of the 12 guys that dedicated his spot,He told the story of when they installed the USGS marker it moved by its self back out...Whoa!)Back to the deck where the Boys are,Eric is holding and will give me a ride down!!!On my bike at Smiths, Over to Brads as the sun is setting,Beautiful Eve!There was a Snow drift still on B's Grave, I remove it, Place a PBR and an incense branch...Said Hi and I/We miss you...It felt Lonely but not as Sad as I thought...
Sunday, January 29, 2012
50th DAY!!
Adventures of Saturday...Started with a productive call to Wells Fargo!!Ended with a nice ride back home on the Bus(Walked up to the 990 going down off the regular time and walking up to the 220 @Ft Union)Stopped by the McDonalds and Chevron by the house b-4 coming home...Stayed on Gadzoom all day,Very good snow conditions!Quote of the day"Hey, theres our friend" Obliviot only half heartily waves and Skis by...Today is Brads day
Saturday, January 28, 2012
Day 49 Onepiece Friday
The Posse got Together AGAIN!!THX Tyler...Jimme meet us and Walt Too...Later Mark and his Girlfriend...Snow was Super Soft all over!!Ingrid is a locker mate who rides shorter skis and has a pair of bigfeet that she says I can Borrow!!!!Jackpot!!I think today is Andys B-day?Tomorrow is Brads 20 years since he commited you know what!?WHY?We all loved and now still miss you with a hurt in our hearts:( Carolines day comes on Feb 1st
Friday, January 27, 2012
day 48 two new Spots
Got my Hoddie Dirty and a big spot on my Purple Jacket...Ron and I got a picture from an out of towner who loved the GATORS and Jeans!(Me Too!)We skied Mineral (they opened about 14:00 and we where there)It sucked!Getting down to gadzoom via the black forest and spine are why SnoNerd is the worlds biggest terrain park...It was a BLAST!!Thx Ty
Thursday, January 26, 2012
Day 46 Scott&Eric
Tuesday...Chef Scott picked me up(He got into a fender bender)We meet Eric and ride up Together,,,There is Ron at the locker room...All morning long...Excellent day on the slopes with the Party Posse...Best Snow of the year by far!!!!!
Day 45 @Deer Valley
Monday from Scotts to the Mt... DEER VALLEY!!!Thx Jeff,We borrowed his car so that I could get my Skis from home and meet Ryan up at REI...We got there on early, He took us to the underground parking, We used his deluxe passes and had a great time on the groomers...
Day 44
BiG StoRm Coming in...Only took 2 runs then its off to Scotts for Sat and Sunday nights...40 winers LOST
Thursday, January 19, 2012
Day 42 Park City
Got to ride the chairs while we were working...That was awkward...We finally got the ok to release the turbine just to find out later(20;00)That WE sent the wrong wind controller and the we need to go back and tie it down again?!OUCH!!!!We did it thx to the wind stopping for 3 mins while Marc stopped it by hand and with a lasso,,,WOW!It was scary!!I did ski down but not gonna count this as a day...(Not lift served)Today new snow and 40th day at the NERD
Monday, January 16, 2012
Day 41 Powder sucks
Thats what a snowboarded had on the bottom of his ride at the Bus stop!!Got a ride down from Guru DAVE!Walked passed Brads grave and all the way to Andys to watch the G=man beat the Cheeseheads...Now they go to SF for the title game!!
Day 40 Wilma day
Rode and Learned about the legend,Loved skiing the ninthwards,"Your the King" And "Who is that ripping it up?" Thx B and Z...Now I know who is the Snowboard Instructor...Its Zac from Solitude,Moonbeam Ski Shop!!Loved hearing about how he is now At The Nerd TOO!!!(And how Mike didn't bring back anyone from last year)...Really??So Glad I'm not their!Got down to Andys to watch the end of the Niners game...WOW and WOW!!What a finish, best game soo far...Tebows,not so good...
Saturday, January 14, 2012
Day 39 Partiee Possee

Thx Cain, Now we have CAIN POINTE...Had fun with the posse again today!Seen Terry on the Slopes (he didn't seem to happy)"I knew that was you!"Also ran into a Telemarketeer going to Walts car..."Hey,Your Burke"!YUP He got a pass at the bridge,At the bridge was a Posse of Ski Schoolers...ONE PIECE FRIDAY!!That was FUUUUUUUN!!
Friday, January 13, 2012
Day 38 Ninthward Posse!!
Cain does it again!!THX Ninthward Posse...Plus Walter...WALT!THX for the ride down,More later
Thursday, January 12, 2012
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
Day 36 Bus,Bus Bus
2nd day Mom is out of the Hospital,Roxanne and Tabby come over in time for me to catch the 11:50 am BARELY!!Catch the 992 after only 1 minute and a stop by Walgreens.Even though we had new Snow it was still FIRM!Got 3 shout outs and a Hi B from Bill:)Funny ride up with 2 kids(Can we ride up with you?)Is it cold in Jeans?Why the small Skis?Gators,Wayne Wong,Glen Plake???TOO FUNNY!Ended at the Tram Club watching the Tebows...Lots of "Highs" and "Crazy Bump Guy" From B Wheel...Pass by Andys to watch the end and overtime WIN!!YES!!Go to catch the last 220...WTF He pass me by at the weired Highland Split so I Eat at Wendys and walk home....Feet still hurt!My Hikers are too Small...Half days are really not bad...
Monday, January 9, 2012
Day 36...Mom
Not really interested in skiing now...Moms sick and needs my help,This is why I'm Here.Update!MOM is much better,Today I Ski 1/2 day...Tomorrow,PARK CITY with Marc...We are going to fix the wind Turbine
Friday, January 6, 2012
Day 35 WoW
Best Snow Conditions of the season!!Groomers Did an Excellent Job,Especially on the left side of Big Emma and All of Regulator...It was Carve-o-Licious!!!THX CAIN!!That was Awesome!!I think we drank the most Beer/So Comfort of the year...We Rode with Steve(Mammoth)Seen Ryan on the Bus on the way home 220!!That was Nice
Tuesday, January 3, 2012
Day 34 First Fall
Dropped a Ski on the 2nd to last run on Welbere,Even thought I broke a binding but It was ok after all...We enter the locker room to a bird from Wilma(Onepiece Friday)Lots of Hi's and I knew that was you kids...Later on Gadzoom"You guys are late"Yes we are,We even got a token P-Dag run in"Thx for riding the Quad"...Little cloud after 14:00 was still hard...We had our photos taken twice,Deer Valley Top and Tight Green pants will do that every time,We even stomped the Love and Peace sign with a snow angel back...We heard lots of "Wow and That's the coolest thing I've ever seen!"That was way COOL!!Found out Ski Patrol Rick already has the Red Olympic Vest and that I should make a trade for it but include Ski patrol...2 30 packs of PBRS?Let us see what he thinks but I'm Gonna give him it anyway...
Monday, January 2, 2012
Day 33 New Years Day
Didn't catch the Bus until 11:33,Really not bad...Seen Joel(Soli/Alta)Got on the Slopes by 12:45 to Run into Lee(Allens Friend)Next its time to find Genn...13:30 ran into her At the Sign,We ski with her 2 friends on Gad 2 and Little Proud until they want to go to P-Dag?I'll see you in 2 weeks(She is going to South America)Finally Go and ride the Sled Dogs on Chicadee(Alex is on Bottom,Hi Five and Awesome Onepiece!!)Waiting to Catch the 4;20 down Lou from Iowa gave me a ride down(THX LOU!)Andy time(Ron is already there)He Feed us Stew(Excellent!)Nap time...Rode home at midnite to find Mom put Pretty girl in my room(I LOVE MY MOM!!!)
Sunday, January 1, 2012
Day 32 Gen Tour
Day starts at storage(Pay and p/u)Ride hard to barely catch the 08:50 @9th and Ft Union...Take the bike on the bus for the first time this winter!Park it on the plaza and start the day on the sledDogs...Finally get on the slopes around 11:00,Time to look for the ranger...There she is!I ride up and over to the spot with her(I took the tour for the first time ever)We are with a couple from SF(Russian Hill?YUP!)Gen was really good!(Look at the Old Road)He he...Today I try again...Torchlight Parade!!Hiked up a little and Enjoyed the view...Fireworks!!Lots of hi's and Smiles...To the TramClub...Julie and Others(Not Caroline on the pass so I removed the tape)Got offered a ride home(We can tape your bike to the top of my car...)I'm ok I'll ride home...Did IT!(Got pulled over,Uniformed was looking for a brighter light,I Fix and back on my way)Nice ride home,Quiet...Interesting hanging around the Nerd Ctr so late...Welcome 2012
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