Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Day 76 Storm Tuesday
It sucked!!Seen Jimmiee Hiking up and at the top but didn't make it up to little proud...We did Ski with the Posse on Gad 2 Twice(We seen Travis riding down , he wanted us to line up on the Jumap and he'll take a Photo of Ron and I!!!Plus coming down under Gad 2 we also got our Photos taken..."Come on down, After You two I'm Out!"
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
Day 75 FunMonday
Ride up with Steven on the 08:10 990,We beat Ronnie up,He shows a bit later and Its off to Peruvian,Tunnel then the MBSS,We only took one run,Then we head down to G-Zoom...There we find Marc and ty with new Boards(They booth broke their Boards on Friday?!)We also find Travis(ON THE BLADES>>>ROCKING IT!!!)At noon we head down for lunch, I switched back to the Blades,Now its ON...We stayed on P-dag the rest of the day,"Witch way do you want to go?" Under the chair is always the same answer....Bus down, I miss the 16:20(Ron made it by Seconds) I'm good to hang and catch the 992 doen for lunch/Dinner at Bk(2 for 1 Chicken Sanbows, Very Good!)Very Fun Riding the Blades W/T!!!
Monday, February 27, 2012
Day 74 Mom/Sunday
Woke up at Scott's,Rode my bike home...Took Mom to Church,After I ride my bike to the 220,Catch the 992 w/no minutes to Spare(Not time for Beer,Soooo)Locked bike at the Plaza...Ride P-dog to MBss...Line on the MBX so its over to Little Proud for 2 then Top-o-GZoom where I run into Brett(Lets hit the Trees for a Stacked Salad!!)Nice ride down for 1 then done...At the Plaza Bowen Says"Hey Burke,I was in the Big Mt Comp today, Maybe I'll win Something?"Great Kid!Justice in his Devo Coat says"Burke, we miss you at Solitude!"Thx, I love this Ski Family!Travis says he's riding the Blades Monday,And "Do I need a ride down?"Thx but I'm riding down...Also seen Boston George"Do you know who I Am?"No But... And Doug at the Tram Club...Busy,, So Biking Down...Pass by Brads then Home.......
Sunday, February 26, 2012
Day 73 Storm Sat...
Pleasant 220/992 Sat Service...Only Stayed out until 11:00 or So...Big/Wet/Bad Light Day...bused down to Highland, walk home,Called Ty,Rode bike to Scotts,Stayed there overnite...Missed the Rangers and Jimmiee
Saturday, February 25, 2012
Day 72 Sunny Onepiece Fri
Beautiful Day!!!Ron and I Start on P-dog to Mineral...It was Busy!(Ron got pulled over and talked to about the crash he had by Ski Patrol Super,Glad Ted was there to back him up and point out witnesses and that she hit Ron...) We seen Ted and Steven from the Lifts, They both join us for first round of Posse Plus...Thx Ted!!!!(Ron Took a Crazy Spill off the Top of Lupine Right off the Edge of the Cat Track and Into Some Trees and Cliffs...Whoa...Not only was he OK he Hiked back up to us so we could still ride the Basin!!!We rode over to Little Proud for round 1..."Lets find Ty,Top of Gadzoom,"And we did...Plus Bonus Rider Julia joins us!!"Ty,Lets Hit Black Forest for You know What?!"THX TY(Round 2)We then take 3 Laps on Gad 2...Hitting a Kicker built by a kid that Didn't like us hitting it...What?(Had to let him know,Its my land and I'll destroy your jump if I choose too...PUNK!)Julia, Ron and I take another lap into Black Forest for round 3...(THX JULIA!)Ended our day on the 420 Welbere...DOUG Plus One!!!
3 Bonus,1 Teds Andrew "Dad, We need to take Burke with us to Squaw",2 At one point we had booth Posse's Skiing from top-o-GadII,3 Ron and I are Like"Why is the 220 pulling out as we come into the Park-n-Ride??"So we run after it and Get on passed the Light...Ron"My knee hurt before running,Now it feels fine?!"He He
3 Bonus,1 Teds Andrew "Dad, We need to take Burke with us to Squaw",2 At one point we had booth Posse's Skiing from top-o-GadII,3 Ron and I are Like"Why is the 220 pulling out as we come into the Park-n-Ride??"So we run after it and Get on passed the Light...Ron"My knee hurt before running,Now it feels fine?!"He He
Friday, February 24, 2012
Day 71 Throwback Thurs
Winner?! Canyon was closed due to overnite Avalanche near Alta...Mom and I took Pretty boy in for Shots first thing,In 3 weeks he will be all fixed up!Waited for the 11:33 and 11:48 990 that never showed...So i hope back on the 220 down to 9400 where the 992 is right on time!!Get on the slopes by 13:00...Skied the BLADES Again!!Soo much FUN!!Meet and Ski with the Posse Plus One(Irene from Saratoga)We see Ron but don't meet until after 15:00...Fun walking around on the Baldes(Cracked up Ski School and Bret)He is joining the Liftys...YEA Skied last run on Ckickadee(Meet Blonde)Ride down on the 17:20...
Thursday, February 23, 2012
70th DAYYYYY!!!Blade Weds...
66th @the Nerd...I went by the Ticket Office to check my days...Confirmed!Then went by the Lifty/Tram Office to P/u my Blades...THX TOM!!Seen Steve Z and Other Managers who said take Em and Noo,Don't bring them back,There for You!!I LOVE THEM!!!You can walk up to the Lift!!AWESOME!!After stashing Pack(Thx Ron)Off to the Zoom where I ride Solo until Noon or so when I run Into the Posse(Casse on Blades Too!!)Ty and Marc on Boards,We ride the Usual/Signature Run...(Good One Casse)Comments,Ski Schooler"I LOVE YOU!"Doug,"Lets see the MOON Walk?"Oh Yea,Seth...He Just Laughed and Took a Photo...Awesome Kid!!
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
Day 69 "Fat Tuesday"
Meet Ronnieee at the Nerd Center,He was on his way up...But waited for Me...We Head to the Welbere spot where I leave my pack and 9 Beers.(I Love Welbere Point)Down to Gadzoom where I give some beads out and we get a message that the snowboarders are looking for us!Thx Jr Steph...Next we run into Ty and Cassy,Then Ted and Marc join us...Black Forest!! Lower jump was so Soft I Biff it Hard,Oh Well!!!We catch Gad 2,First Run, Ron Ty and I all ride under the Lift(WOW its STEEP)next Gad 2 I say goodbye and Head back under the chair...WOW!!Thx to Seth for taking our Group Photo Right there coming out of the trees near Bassackwards!Very nice!Glad i left cause the snow was getting so wet it was really Rain...
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
Day 68 Presidents day
Glad this day is done cause now its ON!!Busy Bus day(990 running 20 mins late)Pulling into BCC sucked!2 girls got on going to Brighton(Wrong bus, I told em,they got off after I said your welcome...Not-To-Brighton!!!)We start on P-Dag...There's Ty first thing!!We ride the front side first, Nice Bumps!(The Tram went down,causing a Big Line...We head over to mineral(Not bad but...)Back to Reg Johnson(We hit the Jr Wave....WoW!!)Finally to The Zoomer where we hear"You guys are the spirit of Skiing!","How many Photo's?","I LOVE THE LEVIS>>>ITS SO HOT!!"and a host yelling"Bliss Brothers"after we rocked the Bump Rocks...Love the NERD!!!
Monday, February 20, 2012
Day 67 Sunday Storm
We got about 5" of Snow here at Home,Snowbird Reported only 2"...Took the 1st 220 up to Bengal Blvd,biked up too Walt's,Hitched from the Swamp lot(Tourists waiting for bus,Yup its at 11:40 or so?!)Hitched up(More then 50 cars went bye,Annoying!)Hide backpack at the Welbere spot...(I Hate The 191s BRO)Stayed on Gadzoom until I meet Jeff,Cain and Joe...Time to hit the Small hut...THX JEFF!!Back to Gadzoom where Amber is Stationed,I sing her song,Then she says "I can be her Energy!"Right in front of the Boyzzz...They really liked that as I did TOOOO(We talk about how much we LOVE the SnowNerd Girls!!) Next its P-Dog and More Girls Including JULIA(BIG HI AND YES!!!)I follow the Boys out to areas I've never Been...End at Welbere and a ride down on the 4:20,As I'm boarding the Bus,Lifty Sup Says "Come by the Tram/Lift Office,Tom brought the Blades for you, We have em but want to try them first!"Oh YEA!!Busy/Flat light but still Very Fun!!
Sunday, February 19, 2012
Day 66 Sun&FuN!!
A Very Pleasant Bus ride up(For a Sat)Met Many People from the Bay Area(From Santa Clara,Los Gatos,To Daly City(Brenda)SF and Mill Valley!)Also seen Jeff and Cain (On the Lifts)Didn't make to the spot with them but did get to ride the last 3 chairs with Jimmiee(Ski Patrol Pulled his day pass cause he hiked and skied the Pipeline Bowl)Jimmieee...Why?!Got called out again as that guy from Solitude....Solitude?Wheres that??Seen Genn a couple times from the lift but missed skiing and talking to her again...............Maybe Next Sat?
Friday, February 17, 2012
Day 65 Ted Day
Catch the 08:15 992 before Ron is there,Due to the Big Boys I took my pack and caught the First(Ok 2nd Tram)and Stashed my pack at the mbss...Ted joined me(Telemarketeeer)And spent the whole day with our Posse!We skied over to the Top of Gadzoom,No Ron so we start down and there's Ron and Stephon on the Chair near the Jump.The Posse is ON!Later we run into Hoppy and Jimmmieee...Awesome day
Thursday, February 16, 2012
Day 64 "Blade Weds"
Still No Sun...220 to 992 For the 08:45,There's Ronniee waiting for the Bus,He He...We Get up by 09:10 but hit the slopes at 10:15 or so(The Usual) I stash my backpack at Welbere Pointe(Not Bad)We run into Ty and Stephon at Gadzoom first run...Then Cassy joins our Posse with her friend...We ride the jump(New Spot) Gad gully was GROOMED!!WOW!!We are still hitting some of the STEEPEST RUNS on the Mt..Later I join Ron and Stepon in mineral,Again hitting the STEPPEST RUNS on that side too...I brought home the 176 Ninthwards(Now that Ron have the Big Bros theres not enough room)Just as well cause I LOVE MY NEW SKIS!!!THX PETE!!We catch the 16:50(Barely)Got off in Holladay @17:50 Another Great day(As Ronniee reminded me, "You wanted to go Home early today?")Glad I stayed it was another AWESOME DAY!!!
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Day 63 Monday/Funday
Woke up at Scotts,Took Trax to Trax to 7200 So.(990 Gone) Ended at 9800 Trax to catch the 992(Could have taken the 951 from downtown but....)Posse Day with Ronniee...Start with Ty,Travis joins us on a Board first, then switches to Skiis so we can hit the JUMP!!Not to mention the steepest of the steep!!Ended with Abraham(All great skiers and could ride with anyone but...)I did ride up the Tram Once,Seen Kate, Duckworh and Rick.(I love my Nerd Friends!!)Never got sunny but really not a bad day!!Today,VALENTINES DAY AT THE NERD!!
Day 62 Sat
Adventures of Saturday...Rode up with Paula,Walk into the Nerd center and seen Genn first thing(Missed the tour with Ranger, ski with a Stranger)Did get my best Compliment so far,Jake from Soli rides up with me"So your not Skiing Solitude this year?" Me too..."I seen you there almost everytime over the years..." "My mom has seen you race around on the little Skis, she want some of them too!?"Yup,Best skis on the Mt!
Friday, February 10, 2012
Day 61 Lots-o-Love
Love for the Buses(220 p/u in 1 min,990 @08:10 running late but OK cause it allowed time for Ron to get a bunch of ballons)They where deflating but by the time we get to the Nerd They are full and happy again!!Love for the Hosts on our way to the Wilbere spot(Hey,Your wearing Ski Pants?& DV at that!)Love for the Snow makers and Ticket takers(We leave the Ballons at the bottom of G-Zoom)And as always wave and Pole slap past the Snow Makers and the Racers,LOVE for the Lifty Supervisor(Head of all Liftys)Who says we are starting a trend with the short skis and have a pair of blades for Us!!LOVE for PowderShots!!Travis yesterday and Seth today(I took my FAVORITE Pic of You doing a trick/Mule Kick....!!!)Love for the PartY PossE(We rode with Ty and Brenden again Yesterday...ALL DAY!!)Love for the clerks at General Grits,Last time I got a Bottle"Do you want me to cut the bag to size?"...Yes?"do you want me to dress it up?"WOW...Yes THX!!Even Love for our Kicker under G-Zoom(And a bit of Terror!!)And A BIG LOVE to Marc for the Hook up again all day Thursday!!Not to Mention Love for the 420 Bus...Yup BUS!!!
Thursday, February 9, 2012
Day 60 Eight person PossE
2 Snowboarders,One Snow Blader,Five Skiers including Casse(From Brighton)We worked the Jump under the lift(Wow, I cleared it Several times)It was fun to stop and watch everyone hit it!The creamy/ dreamy was all over the Mt.(Especially on the Fun Zone and Lower Race course!!)Seen Jimmeee and Hoppy(Jimmieeee,he was looking for us...)Ron and I did try Little Proud Once but...It was covered up by the Alta cloud so back to the Zoomer. Best Day/Snow of the season so far,Today?
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
Day 59 Ramp PossE
Beat Ron,Catch the 2nd Red Tram over to Mineral Basin,Find the MBSS with a Scenic Bench!Take 2 on MBEX then Reg(OUCH!)to the top of Gadzoom where i find the Ramp Posee at the top(Ron,Ty and Marc all riding the Ramp Skis)ITS ON!!Carve Alert!!They had the Family fun zone closed for racing(Airlines vs Airlines)About 13:30 they pulled the Rope(CARVE_O_LICIUOS!!)We had lunch in the locker room, headed back out to P_DAG Lots of Hi's and Thank God for the Quads(Even seen Dani,She always says HI!!)Tunnel to Mineral (2Runs) back down to the Zoomer and finally end on Little Proud!!AWESOME DAY
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
Day 58 Monday/Funday
Caught the 09:25,Arrive about 10:00...Ron still at locker since 08:05...He Loves hanging around, Meeting and greeting our locker mates while they are all in a hurry to catch the Tram...That's where the "We need to catch the 10:30 Tram or the 5th Tram"Came from... We meet Ty and Marc at the bottom of Gadzoom,They are demoing some skis from PC called "Ramp Skis" Ok but...I let him hold my Naked 123s"They are light even though you have those BURLY Bindings" Cool! We only rode Gadzoom all day(Some Terrain Park, Some Triple Chutes, Some Big Emma via the Rock/Blop in)Even the Upper Bumps under the Chair where SweeT!!Not to mention how big our kicker is getting!!I think I finally cleared it!!Nice to hear Marc say"You are so smooth in the tightest spots on Triple Chutes"THX
Monday, February 6, 2012
Day 57 Superbowl Sunday
Woke up intending to take Mom to Church,By the time she got up(After 10:00)She didn't feel well enough to go Sooo I Biked to Andy's then got a ride to the mouth from him,THX(Otherwise the 11:33 Bus looked to be Very Busy!)3rd Car pulled up!!!Took my time on Gadzoom(4th day on the 123's...CARVE_A_LERT!)Finally ran into Jimmie and Terry,Took 2 runs on little proud then had to race down to catch the 990(I promised Andy i'd be down on the first bus, now I need to run just to catch the 2nd Bus)Seen Alex, Cain and Jeff plus Posse but could only say Hi and By...Walked up to the 990 down to Andy's to watch the Game with him, Denice and Bill...What a game! It was the G-men who pulled it off again!!Thx for Dinner Too
Sunday, February 5, 2012
Day 56 Bike to Walts
Hitched up from the Swamp lot(I knew I'd get a ride before 10 cars went by)Thx 3rd day on the naked rippers...They are sooooo Carve-Alicious!!Even slammed the Bumps...No Problem!Got to take 2 Gad 2 Laps with Genn(Ski with a Ranger)That was nice,Rode up with Doug(Yea, there is a right and left Ski,You picked the right way)He liked hearing that.Last 4 runs on Little Proud made me PROUD!!I LOVE MY NEW SKIIS!!
Saturday, February 4, 2012
Day 55 "Fun Park Opens"
It happened about 13:00 Friday and it was Awesome!!Second day on the Naked Skis...Ron"You can tell you really like Them!"Yes I do!We skied down under Mid-gad to under Gadzoom...Talk about Untracked...Good Onepiece Friday,Got on the 08:10 with Ronnie(Barely)Met and talked to Scott(Snowboard Instructor Who knows my name?)He knows someone else who came over from Soli too(Justin)Sunny but COLD day riding around with Ron Tyler again, Even Marc joined us later...Bus ride down With Doug,He let me know about the Boarder who died,He was a Lift Mechanic at Soli but they CANNED him this year...To Old and Paid toooo much...He would have been working or in bounds at Soli But...
Friday, February 3, 2012
Day 54 "Naked Ski"
First day Ever on the Naked 123ssss!!!Wow,I brought home the Rossi's cause these are the real deal...Light weight,Snappiee and Tons of Control...We rode most of the day with Tyler,Met up with Marc only to have him Not join us for 420 but...Got to stop with Bret(Snow Maker)They are still blowing snow!!Great job!!!Bused down on the 992 talking to 2 guys from the Nerd who know my name but...
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
Day 53 POSSE!
What a DAY!Rode the Tram first thing to mineral,It was good!!Rode Baldy Express for the First time ever"Is this Alta"?"Not Yet and Welcome"...Still blowing snow on the Creamy/Dreamy Groomers...Back over to Gadzoom where I run into Ron and Tyler,Ty is riding the Blades with no poles or gloves?...We meet John on Big Feet with poles riding any where including Pow...@75 that's Impressive(He got Ingrid into Skiing again by riding the Big Feet)Later we meet Jeff and Big Eric...The Party is on!!We ride Black Forest to the Bonus Chute to the un-named chute!!WOW!!Not to mention we did catch a couple minerals(Steepest Runs of the Year!!)Plus bonus necklaces under the mineral chair @ the necklace tree....Nice job Jeff....Bonus Steeps Under Mid-Gad,On the Ridge above Un-named Chute and Others...Best day of the YEAR!!(so far)
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