Saturday, March 31, 2012
Friday, March 30, 2012
98Th Day"Big Foot"
Got Em back!!!Also First Bike PossE Starring Ron's New Rock hopper...We biked up together on the 220 and 992...Rode down together until the Creek Rd Split...Honk and Stop from Jeff(Cain Posse)He drives and Gave me a ride home in his AWESOME TOY!!THX cause my front tire was getting low on air...How lucky am I??Oh and the Skiing was KILLER!!
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Off 4 Days
Sunday,Monday,Tuesday and Maybe all of Today??Sunday Took Mom to all 3 Sessions,Then went to Andys where he feed Ron and i and we worked on Bikes and Skis...BIG FEET ARE FIXED!!!!Thx Andy,Ron got a newer Bike(He left the Girls bike for Denise)Monday-Weds I'm working(Today is Panel day,I may be able to slip up to the Mts.When we Finish!)
Sunday, March 25, 2012
97Th Solo Saturday
Two COOL Things happened Before riding the First chair...Gave the Red Blow up Tram to Tom,He didn't hesitate "The Liftys are going to love this,I'll give it away at the year end Lifty Party!"YES and Found Ron's Cow Bell at the entrance of the Spot...Right in the way...Ended with finding a Cover/Sunsheild that I thought and was confirmed by Jay that belonged to Powdershots...Jay"Free Picture for you!!"Thx Jay!!Seen Genn and 2 other rangers and One,1 year old before leaving the locker Room...Youngest Skier on the Mt."Greatest Chair in No America...?"Gadzoom of course
Saturday, March 24, 2012
96TH No "OnePiece Friday"
Its TOO Warm...Seen Terry and Travis at Powder Shots...Ronniee wore his Hippy jeans and top...Quote of the day,Lady skis up to me, Sizes me up and Says"Nice Outfit,Top to Bottom!"Tryed to give the Red tram away,Tom not in so I try again today...Ended with a Stop at Welbere, Marc was already there, We are joined by Bret(We seen and rode with him earlier)Its a Stacked Salad After 4:20 and AFTER the Lift closed...Easy walk up and catch the Red Bus(Ski Patrol was on it after final sweeps)Got Stoped at the Exit of the Nerd center by Melissa(Chickadee)She Nice to Me...Seen Doug,Scott and a Bunch of Friends/Employees Leaving all saying By Burke(Its Fun knowing Everyone)...Biked down to the cool Creek spot and then Down Creek Rd to 13th and all the way to Storage...Very Warm and Nice EvE
Friday, March 23, 2012
95 No Ron Thursday
We never seen the Man...Did Ski with Travis then Walt joined us...Missed placed my stash at the Spot...Earlier I rode with Carlos off Mineral and Brett off Baldy and Mineral...CREAMY/DREAMY!!Carlos"I want to try em" and "Put your hands in the air for an AIR Shot!" THX Carlos
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
94TH BladeWeds
TWO Different Days...Skied in the AM.(CREAMY/DREAMY Off Little Cloud and the BUMPS!!! Biked down through Creek Rd to the CU,Then on the way down 13th East Sara from Chickadee Waved from her SUV(She was right by the Old 7th Ward Bld)Called Ty from Home(He was on the Honeycomb chair and will come by after that and before Work)THANKS TY!!Got to clean up a little around the yard and get the 2 Benches out.Warm is BACK!
93RD Day "Powder Panic"
"Your the Mayor of Snowbird"
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
92nd Day At Canyons
With the Scotts,Thank You for picking me up!!At the ticket office"Can I have some stickers?"She gave me a stack,"Can I have a Grooming report?"...She hesitates and says"Why do you need one today?"..."Powder, I hate powder!!"Took both skis up to the Beach where we claimed our spot.BUBBLE CHAIR.."Double trouble in the Bubble"Skied Sunpeak first,Then a couple of Bubbles(Mid way unload)Over to Timerline and Iron Mt...It was Nice there!Back to Tombstone...Also nice...Got my pic with a Mt Host...Burt, Birt,Jerk...Seen but didn't ride Peak 5 and 99Ninty Bases.Ended with bonus runs on the carpet and finally one more BUBBLE for Me....CARVE_A_LERT!!!!Great day!!
Monday, March 19, 2012
Day 91 Successful Sunday
Mom to all 3 Sessions again...Bused up and Back no Prob.Tons-0-Snow...Did the tour,First day I missed riding G-Zoom this year(HuH)Seen Billiee in the Plaza(He now has a 10 pac at the Nerd instead or Alta or Soli...YEA!!!Today Canyons with the Scotts
Sunday, March 18, 2012
91st Day Lunch/Launch
Steve Young Classic and Finals for the Big Mt Comp.Seen Genn First thing"See you Later"Oops...It was all about the Dag,P-Dag...Got to watch the Comp W/Ted and Son,Seen Jimmiee from a distance...The Cain Crew had lunch for us...Thx Jeff!And Alex had Launch for US!!YES...Ended at the Spot and last chair on Welbere(Took Doug a Cow bell from Sierra Nevada)He has the Bell on his Poles...Ha Ha Rode the last Bus down...Could have stayed up but...Big Storm coming and Actually started right after the Comp.ended
Saturday, March 17, 2012
90TH DAY!Best Day Yet
Big Mt...Small Skis...Thx Robert for the Cow Bell!He Laughed Hard after I do the Walk and Loved the Bump Motions riding up to him(No One skis like that!!)We watched the Big Mt Comp.That was COOL...Skied under Welbere with most of the Ski School Instructors riding up,Hearing my name called from the lift while holding poles in one hand and a rock for the spot in the other...Hittin the Bumps HARD!!!Later Ski Patrol says"People don't realize how hard those are to Ride!@!Thx!!Ron and I got some necklaces,Got another box and complete shell cases for Welbere...Brought the Cain team over to the spot so we could fix their poles and get some Creed from the Kids...Ended on the Plaza talking to Julia,WAIT,WHAT "Do I want a BEER?"YYEESS!!!Randon rider knows I LOVE BEER SOOOOO"YES!"Julia also Gave me A beer(Sierra&Blue Moon!!)THX JULIA...She So nice to ME!! Biking home I hear my Name yelled out 2 times at 2 different places!!BEST DAY SO FARRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!2x420=B-l-i-s-s "Can we join your party?"Yup!Thx Greg(Cliff)&Mark
Thursday, March 15, 2012
Day 89 Blade Weds
Thx Travis for joining us and bringing your 2 snowboarder Friends along(2x420=Bliss!!)Get ready for the CARVE_A_LERT!!5Th day in a row riding the Bike down...On Chadbourne I hear"Hey Burke"Its Brett near his house,In his Toy waiting for His roommates...Such a nice Guy..."Get ready for More Carve-a-licious Welbere was Excellent!
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
88Th Day Warm Wind
HarD Snow!!Coming out of the Welbere Spot,There's Ron,I blow My Whistle and He Knows its ME!!Welbere was the Only lift open at 09:00(Ron was there having fun not realizing it was the Only game in town...)We met up with the PossE(Usual)Met Keatons girlfriend at the bottom of P-dog(Keaton told me to look for you and Say Hi)He misses me at Soli
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
87TH Day
Biked Up(992)Biked down...Seen Tom at the Nerd Ctr Exit,Got to tell him Thanks again!"I Knew you'd Love them and I hear your Pretty good on em too."Thx Tom I do LOVE THEM...Rode up to Gadzoom to find the Posse Gathering,Ron,Cassie,Marc,Ty and Stephen...
Monday, March 12, 2012
86th Sunny Sun/Funday
Mom to Church then its the 220/992 With 2 mins to Spare...Got on the deck wearing the Green,At the top of the stairs there she is ...Me Only She is dressed and decked out in Pink(WOW!!)Peru to the Tunnel,MBSS to the Quad, Over to Reg(Still Firm at 14:30)Down to the Zoom where I run into Cain, Jeff and AUSTIN(FROM BRIGHTON!)Nice kid, Always remembers my name and what we went threw their...Back to Peru for a Stacked Salad at Stu's...They headed up to Alta and promply came back to the Tram Club(GD Bar host told them"I'll ask you what you need when I'm ready!"He was so rude that they left!Best thing that happened this year,Aussie Lifty got me a Snowbird trucker hat just like they wear!!!!!!!!!!YESSSSSSSS Biked home in the Sunnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn
Sunday, March 11, 2012
Day 85 Ranger Fun
Skied with the Tele-Rangers Genn and mark...Hittin the Creamy Dreamy Bonus Panelssss That was Awesome!!Hanging on top of Gadzoom...Ski patrol says Hi,Boy scout from last day last year"Here's the Beer back that you gave me"(I Donate to the Boy Scouts)Love how this happened in front of Genn...Later after 14:00 or so I drop a Blade and Spend 2 runs looking for It!!The whole time it was Proped up right where I droped it...(Thx Doug for the Look out)Rode my bike down(Can't really remember if I stoped or Not??)
Saturday, March 10, 2012
Day 84 FunPieceFriday
Bike on Bus...Meet Ron at 9400,We catch the 08:15,Out on the Mt by 09:15...Its a Carve-A-Lert!!Ski/Skiing Mag are still out testing(They never Ski the Bumps right under the Chair,First run under G-zoom I find another orange lighter)Doing the Moon walk was awesome...Bottom of G-Zoom, top-o-Welbere in front of the SnoNerd Crew(Thx for the Beer Fitz)Ron brings a Howizter Shell down to the Gadzoom crew...Julia was skiing and I think she lost her poles under Little Proud??Ended on the Plaza with the crew and Others(You riding your Bike Down??) Love It"Theres my bike, I love My Bike, Biking down now..."Ended at the mouth watching the Sun Set...
Friday, March 9, 2012
83rd day
Thursday...Got up on the Mt Before Ron,Hide my pack and the Beer at the Spot(Inc Lunch)Beautiful, Sunny Day!!Meet under G-Zoom and spend the day their(Its a Carve Alert)They Groomed all over including some places for the first time(Pigeon Pt Gully and Near the spot)That's where I was Gouging the Carve Alert turns!!!Ended on little proud...
Thursday, March 8, 2012
Day 82 "BladeWeds"
Its funny to hear the Lifty tell you "Blade Weds"!!LOVE IT!Took the 992 08:45 to the Cliff...Back to the Plaza where Ronniee is getting off the ELEVATOR?Yup...Back to the locker where we grab and go down to the Spot...Later the Posse gets together...Mark needs Beer on ICE?We hit the Spot to get but NOT a good time/Place to Smoke so I leave and take the Non-smokers with Me(Steven and Casse)Soon we are all back together again...We ended on Little Proud where we seen JIMMIEE(That's Jimmmieee under the Chair,Ron No But...JIMMIIEE JUMP!!!)That was Cool!!!Even Steven hit the Jimmieee Jump!Ended up taking the 992/16:50 down with SZ,and 2 Liftys(Disappointing to not see you guys riding P-Dawg Today...) For Throw back Thurs I'm riding the Dawg...
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
Day 81 NO SUN
Marc came and Drove me up!(He is going up to Alta for Solar ;))At the locker room by 08:00(Also took the 176 Ninthwards Up,Hidden at Welbere Pointe...)Check in at PowderShots...Terry,Travis,Jay and now I met Jim...Very cool! Out in front I seen Tom(You already have em...WHEW!!)Scott(SS)and Alex(Chickadee)The Mt was SOOOO HARRRD...Find Ron and Steven first,Then Mark and Ty join us...Stacked Salad...Fun Riding under the chair(Super steep and soft)Also Rode with Ty under Mid Gad,STEEEEP!!Not a bad day but come back SUN!!
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
Day 80 Sunny Monday
Ron and I ride up 220/992...Ride down on the 992 all the way to Trax and then walk to storage(got there at 17:55) MADE IT!!Sunny/Warm Day,1/2 day on the 123's,1/2 on the Blades!!Seen Jen and her friend Michelle Snowshoeing all the way to the top(Via STEEP REG JOHNSON)Ron and Travis got 2 more Crates(NICE)We had a Jr Posse but kept Loosing Bodies Including Me....Tom says he has another set of Blades?>>>...Hummmm Great day
Monday, March 5, 2012
Ski day never came
Took Mom to Church(She went to all 3 sessions)met her for Sacrament...After Church I have Plenty of time to catch the 220/992 Get to the Park-n- ride lot to find Brenden Waiting for the 13:10 that never came...962 comes threw "Its running late, It will be here"LIAR!!!Lucky b-4 the Hourly 220 pulls out we ask "Whats Up with the 992 running 20 mins late?"Rider on Bus Says"He Received a Text that the Canyon is Closed until 16:30, He is going home instead of Work." What? Its Sunny and Warm...WTF?? First day this season of getting shut out......Came home to Chill with Pretty Girl, Eat a lot and still pass out before 20:00...
Sunday, March 4, 2012
Day 79 Sat/Storm
Still Stormy...We have had 4 Days in a row of Snow(More then 8")Pleasant Bus Ride up...Seen Travis on my way to Welbere(He is on his way to Big Emma)At the Spot I put the Blades On(They are FUN!!)Stay on G- Zoom until Lunch...Then Launch over to P-dog where I get a hug from Julia(YEA!!)End at the Spot where I leave the Blades hidden and Catch the 4:20,990 down...
Friday, March 2, 2012
Day 78 "80"
Bus adventure...992 pick me up then turned back to Highland Dr to Bengal Blvd and finally pass the swamp lot and up into hardcore traffic...we even skipped the mouth park-n-ride...Catch Ron on G-zoom plus Walt,Marc and Brian...Then we catch Tyler and head to the black Forest where we Loose B but catch Julia...AGAIN!!Loved the Comment"We seen You Dancing down the slopes on your short Skis"....Talk about Pow...We have gotten 13,then 14 last night 6...Now we have 106 on the ground and close to 300 for the year
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