Powder and Opening Day Solitude Facebook
Tuesday, April 26, 2016
Some Season Highlights so Farrrr
Getting the Picture of the day at Alta, THX Casey and John!!!
Powder and Opening Day Solitude Facebook
Powder and Opening Day Solitude Facebook
Monday, April 25, 2016
3 Party Posses!!!!!!!! Wake up at Andys, Walk to and catch the Bus,.... CANYON CLOSED!!! We got stopped at the mouth of LCC,... After about a 30 min delay, We arrive about 08:15
Wednesday, April 20, 2016
116 Happy 420 and back at the Nerd
We Worked Monday (36 Panels high above Foothill) Skied this Sunny/COLD Tues,... Started at Walts, Hitching I got picked up by Lee Cohen (Alta Pro Photograher) He took me to the Mouth (And knew my name and my game!!)THX! Next Jared (Who Works at the WildFlower) Nice Ride Up Plus He knew Andy!!!! Me and GuRu are the only one in the Locker Room,... Tram is Over for the Year (I seen both Trams working high above Peruvian) Whoa! Peruvian Running BUT I hit the Welbere SpoT, Next to Gadzoom and on up to Gad 2 where I run into and Ski with Gregg, Next Little Via a couple of MBX,s Even pulled a Ronnie up and Over,....Back at Little I see and Ski with Matt plus 2,...Mandy and Racheal from Alta,.... Ended with Brighton,.. (He got Me at the Bottom of My turns off Little) HARD CHARGING LAST RUNS UNDER LITTLE!!!!! We ended with a last Run down Great Scott,... (My First and Last time down this Iconic Run) I Even took a Peruvian Run Before this run out back to the Spot, Welbere at 4:20,. Met Rico and Creww heading down to the Lot, He liked My sign, Wanted to give a ride then Shared a Bowl with Me!!(Gregg also Shared a nice one earlier with Matt and the Ladies) VERY NICE BUS RIDE DOWN!!! Got it at Creekside, Off at the swamp lot and nice ride back here to MOMS,...... A VERY NICE SKI DAY!!!!
Tuesday, April 19, 2016
115 LDS @Soli then Brighton for Marchareta
Woke up at Andys,... THX for the New Yorks,... We Set the Head Skis to fit Mandys Boots,.....CANCEL!,.... Thx for the ride to the mouth and looking forward to next season skiing with you Andy! Dorrie gets me at the mouth,... THX! Down to "G"s corner, Pack in Brians Truck, Ski time on Double,... (I never rode anything but you and the Beam) Run into and Ski with,..... Scott, Phil and "B",. Later The Scotts and even later Marc,....Thanks for the GREAT SKI SEASON!!!!
Ryan had Lunch,... !!! YEA!!! Seen so many friends including Ty, Laura,.................................
Funny Skiing with Marc on a Carve Alert with I think Soli Management watching from Double,.. Different sounding Ohhs and Ahhhs,......... Finally Phil drives Scott and I to Brighton so We can use his Pass (Scott got it for Phil) Only Phil and I head up to a Busy Crest and an even Busier Snake,... MARCHARITA To the saddle where We hang out with Than and friends, Watch 2 Snowmobilers Kick so serious ASS down into Heber then back up and OVER to where they Started,...(Phil got film)
WOW!!! Now We can Hike up and Watch the Drunks,..MERIDETH!!!!! Got 5 Hungs plus let Her know about Scarry Terry GONE!!! SHE LIKED!!!! On the way out I seen Lance from the Physical Therapy and Said Hi to him and his Mom,... Phil and I hit the Sun Spot and finally head down,,,,
Ryan had Lunch,... !!! YEA!!! Seen so many friends including Ty, Laura,.................................
Funny Skiing with Marc on a Carve Alert with I think Soli Management watching from Double,.. Different sounding Ohhs and Ahhhs,......... Finally Phil drives Scott and I to Brighton so We can use his Pass (Scott got it for Phil) Only Phil and I head up to a Busy Crest and an even Busier Snake,... MARCHARITA To the saddle where We hang out with Than and friends, Watch 2 Snowmobilers Kick so serious ASS down into Heber then back up and OVER to where they Started,...(Phil got film)
WOW!!! Now We can Hike up and Watch the Drunks,..MERIDETH!!!!! Got 5 Hungs plus let Her know about Scarry Terry GONE!!! SHE LIKED!!!! On the way out I seen Lance from the Physical Therapy and Said Hi to him and his Mom,... Phil and I hit the Sun Spot and finally head down,,,,
114 Brighton Bell to Bell
THANKS SCOTT!!!! We Did IT!!! Bell to Bell at the "B",..... MY FAV. MOMENT was seeing Jeff at Smiths,... "Yea I Took over for the C)(T!!" That changes EVERYTHING!!!!!!
Friday, April 15, 2016
112 Rainy and 3 Lightning Delays,....
LUCKILY I wore my Rain Smoock,... Biked from Moms to the Mouth of BCC via Dans,... JULIE gets me at the mouth and takes me all the way to G's corner!! THX!!!!Drake from Double took me down,... That was great timing,...
Thursday, April 14, 2016
111 Last Fog Lunch and Rain!!!
Biked from Moms to Andys, Pick up the head Skis and Poles (Got the yellow boots reset with lines out of the gray boots) Still a work in progress, Bike to the mouth....... Duane got me, THX!!!
We arrived at the Fog Lunch to find Big B and all the others under an Awning,, (RAIN)
Phil shows up next, I toss my Pack right there and we got a Posse!!!!! Nice session til we hit Apex,.... (Its Down for a while so We head over to and Ski Sunrise,... (First time I skied a Groomed Rollercoaster),... Back down for Lunch ,... THX JOHN!!! Its was FANTASTIC!!!!!! Now its Kenny and I,... (Kenny joined Phil and I before Lunch) TRIPLE SKIED SO GOOD THAT I TOOK A BONUS LAP!!!!! Solo afternoon on Double with last Chair on Triple!!!! AWESOME LAST WEDS
We arrived at the Fog Lunch to find Big B and all the others under an Awning,, (RAIN)
Phil shows up next, I toss my Pack right there and we got a Posse!!!!! Nice session til we hit Apex,.... (Its Down for a while so We head over to and Ski Sunrise,... (First time I skied a Groomed Rollercoaster),... Back down for Lunch ,... THX JOHN!!! Its was FANTASTIC!!!!!! Now its Kenny and I,... (Kenny joined Phil and I before Lunch) TRIPLE SKIED SO GOOD THAT I TOOK A BONUS LAP!!!!! Solo afternoon on Double with last Chair on Triple!!!! AWESOME LAST WEDS
Tuesday, April 12, 2016
110 Dummy Downhill @The Nerd
Thanks for the ride up Phil! (Jeep Boarding Brother!!) Biked to Walts from Moms via Reams,... I hold my Sign and then....Dropped at the front, Lil Mary is there to say Hello,.... Brought the White Boots and the red K2's,... ALTA!!! Then back to MBX,... And on to the Tram Club, Over to Gad zoom where I run into JENN!!!! Thanks Debbie (Utah Co. Steve) Also Rick and Moe Skiing I join them at Peruvian where Gregg and Gary join us,... I'm outta here and back to Gad-zoom via the spot Where I head back to Little and run into a young local Skier "Are you the One Skiing those lines under Little, Your a Local Legend, I can't wait to tell my roommate"!! NICE Session under the Chair!! Next Ed and Colleen!!! Nice Session too on Reg!!! Next rocking Scott, The Spot and the Dummy Downhill,...... !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THX For the ride all the way down,.. Plus I got my Yellow Boots and Head Skis back to Andys,....
Monday, April 11, 2016
109 Deer Valley with the Scotts!!!!!
Thanks Scott!!!!! Rocking Scott and I start here, We meet Scott and Scott plus Katy up there,... DOUBLE DIP? YUP! We pulled that off again using all 7 passes,.... EXCELLENT!!!! Kinda Sunny and kinda cool,.. Started with the Red OnePiece, Ended with the Pink tights and matching top,... Great AM session then Its on,... STERLING!!!!!!We Skied til the last Chair,.... Funny bumping and turning in front of DV Ski School Posse, Next run in front of a Ski Patrol Posse,.. Later I here them Giggle and Ski Schooler say,.. "He is the Best Blader I ever seen",.. Plus Bonus,.. "You Ski Snowbird? See you this Spring!" Nice ride back here to Moms,... We Even seen Marc (Him and Cammy plus Oreo made it up) Cynthia and Randy, Big B plus Josh and Sara,... Plus Jeremy in the parking lot (From Soli) and other friends,...Thanks again Scott!!!!
Sunday, April 10, 2016
108 Ed and Colleen @Alta
Bike to Walts, Walk up to the 990 pulling up at 08:25 or so,.... No Customer Appreciation Day,...? Donuts or Coffee....?Thats OK I'll catch the 09:30 Blue Tram driven by Duckworth,...(Ticket Taker says "Say Hi to my Fianceeee at Little Cloud" OK!!!!!! Drop my pack at the Top of Mineral and head to Alta,.... HEAD Back,... TWICE including a tour of Gad zoom,... (Checking in with the Race Dept.) I rode up with a Coach "You make those perfect Spoon turns on Little Cloud",... THX!!! Back to Alta where I run into and Ski with Ed, Colleen and Bobby (He just got off the Plane from Boston) NICE SESSION! Time for me to get back to Merica,.... LITTLE CLOUD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SO MUCH FUN PLACING MY PERFECT TURNS UNDER LITTLE!!!!! PERFECTION!!!
Saturday, April 9, 2016
107 Warm Nerd Friday, Bike on Bus!!!
YEA!!!! Soli or Snowbird?? NERD!!!! First and Last Bike on Bus,.... Not counting Today....Got up early, Went to the Welbere Spot (Stash Pack and Lunch) Over to Alta First, Outta HERE!! Back to Baldy I run into and Ski with ED and Collen!!!! NICE!!!! We had a great AM session in Mineral, Now back to Little Via the Tram Club Route!!!!! We Skied all the way to the Spot and seen all the Racers Skiing B-g Emma!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Back to Little and ended on Gad 2,... GREAT BIKE RIDE DOWN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tuesday, April 5, 2016
Friday, April 1, 2016
102 Race Thursday @Snowbird
Biked to Walts from Moms via Andys,... Catch the 990 at the Swap lot (I tried to Hitch first) ,.... Another Pow DAY!?!!!!! Yes it WAS!!! Stash the pack, On to Welbere chair to Big Emma,... RACE COURSE Right There,.... Had to cut across at a manned Gate,.... In the line "Burke, I seen your Powder Mag article, Very Nice!" .... Thank you Race Coach with the US Ski Team Marker!!
Later another Coach "I see your perfect tracks in the back country" OK!!! YEA!! Fun seeing all the racers on Big Emma!!!! After Skiing Door one and Two (I fixed the Rope) GAD 2 was on my MIND!!! Got to Ski some of the Steepest/Deepest lines of the YEAR!!!! Did take 2 Little Clouds BUT It was COLD and you couldn't see ANYTHING!!!! Seen Brad, Bryan and Nate Wixom with fiends,.... They took a Pic and I just Smiled!!!!1!!! Nice Bus ride down to see Walt (He is going to Peru soon!!) Got a little rainy on the ride down
Later another Coach "I see your perfect tracks in the back country" OK!!! YEA!! Fun seeing all the racers on Big Emma!!!! After Skiing Door one and Two (I fixed the Rope) GAD 2 was on my MIND!!! Got to Ski some of the Steepest/Deepest lines of the YEAR!!!! Did take 2 Little Clouds BUT It was COLD and you couldn't see ANYTHING!!!! Seen Brad, Bryan and Nate Wixom with fiends,.... They took a Pic and I just Smiled!!!!1!!! Nice Bus ride down to see Walt (He is going to Peru soon!!) Got a little rainy on the ride down
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