I tried to get Andy BUT,... I'm not waiting or interfering with your household............
VERY COLD AT FIRST!, With the sun it got better. Spent most the morning with Gregg, We even hit the Spot,.....Got home to a little surprise,... (THANKS TY!!!)
I can't believe next Weds is the first QUAD WEDS!! Alta opens Fri, Soli Sat... Where will I be?
Good stuff from Unofficial networks
"52 year old Burke Weir may well be the most famous snowblader in the world. He’s local at Alta, Brighton, Snowbird, and Solitude, Burke and his blades and outrageous outfits make him hard to miss. He started skiing back in the 1970’s and averages 120 days a year (life goals). If you are a Wasatch Front skier and recognize this dude, share this around and spread the stoke."
I drove Andy and I up.... Double Down!!! Get home by 1:00
Majestic still THE BEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
See Neals in the Parking Lot..... "You look like my friend from Snowbird,... But he is Older...."
Drove up to the "B" Park close to George and Rick,(G rolled his Subaru,... He is OK) FOGS Riding the :B: John,Duane,Rich and Son plus Jason..... Oh YEA!!!
2nd Day for CREST!!! Very Good top to bottom ,... Especially MAJESTIC!!!
Broke off early to head to Andys Broncos v Raiders
Mom took the day off from church.....