Sunday, April 29, 2012

Day 122 P-Dawg is BACK!!!

YES!!Its Sooo Much Better when she runs....Sat Am started with Haters,7-11"I need to catch a Bus @07:05" OK so I give him the Money before the Beer case is open, At 07:00 he sends his friend"CARL?" to open up, First he goes in the bcak and has to be yelled to open up, then he opens the wrong case and can't get the key to work...DF So I grab a Warm 18er and tell the clerk "Thanks alot?"The Bus was running 30 mins late and I though maybe These Dummies made me miss it?It came finally!!At park n ride a worker gets on and ask"What time is the Bus to be here?"Very Rudly!!!The driver was new and asked if we pass by the mouth of BCC?NO!!We get to the Mt by 08:05 or so not bad, I get a grooming report and see that the Tunnel AND P-Dawg are OPEN!!!!!!!!!!CARVE ALERT IN MB!!Seen Jason from Soli(With all the other PSIA Nerds in Yellow,) Also they were testing k2 Skis?"Made In China?"Had a good time seeing Travis, Brett, Carlos and Doug over in MB...Also ran into WALT!!Yes, We hit the deck for BEER and then its back over To MBX(THX for the pics in the Tunnel!)Ended hanging out at Walts Car, Then riding down to the Creek and Hanging out there even longer..."I seen you moving those Blades, I wish My hips moved like that!?"A VERY FUN AND STILL PRETTY COLD SAT!!!

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